November 12, 2008

The things she'll do for me...

On our way home from dropping off Evan at school, Kyrsten says to me, "Mom can you get a game down for me? We can play it together."

I agreed with the disclaimer that I had to spend most of the day working on my Mythology paper. To which she replies, "I'll do your paperwork for you." (I know, but that's not the best part.)

I said, "No, that's nice of you, but I have to do it myself. Besides, it would be cheating."

She says, "I'll do everything for you mom." And then she goes on to make a list of all the things she'll do:

1. Do my hair.
2. Pick out my clothes.
3. Flush the toilet for me.
4. Pick out my jewelry for me when I have to go to a dancing party.
5. Pick out my jewelry for me when I have to go to a not a dancing party.

Now it seems to me that "one of these things just doesn't belong here, one of these things is not quite the same...."


Anonymous said...

That is so cute...and generous.


Anonymous said...

She really wanted to play.

I wonder how much time we spend each week flushing toilets.