October 15, 2008

Tiger's Fans

We went to see one of the last Tiger's games of the season. Baseball from such the distance we were sitting was not all that entertaining for our kids, but they loved the food, the people and the merry-go-round. I am also proud to say my Ohio-born husband now seems to be a Tiger's fan, owning the apparel and attending several games this past season. I haven't managed to turn him away from Ohio State football, but plans are in the works.

That is a Hello Kitty necklace paired with a Tiger's shirt! She accessorizes better than me.

What a smile!

Notice the hat!

Two other fans - I have to say, they are much more devoted than the average fan.

Oops! I think I got caught snapping this one!

I guess he also has Halloween taken care of.

Also, we were sitting right above the bull pen. One obnoxious fan whose picture I didn't manage to capture was screaming at the pitcher practicing down below. He was bellowing helpful tips like, "You have to throw the ball" and "Try to strike 'em out." I think there might have been a few "Your momma's so fat...." comments also. And this was all to the pitcher who wasn't even pitching. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

The picture of Lucas? My heart just broke and scattered in a million pieces all over the floor.

Anonymous said...

how fun!

Anonymous said...

what danielle said!!!
great pictures, sarah!