February 14, 2008

Ode to the Loves of My Life

Very few of the few people who read my blog have met my children. Well, this post is dedicated to them and their fabulousness.

Lucas (aka Lukster-miester, Lukey, and young padawan)
One year old
Only child of mine who will eat peas, breast fed, and weighed 20 lbs before his first birthday
Has "evil" laugh when being mischiveous
Prefers to be carried by dad
Loves the outdoors, climbing on stools, Praise Baby, and making others laugh

Kyrsten (aka Ki-ki)
Four years old (in March)
Needs lots of sleep unless you would like to see her dark side - though you may see it anyway without any notice
Knows and uses way too many "grown-up phrases"
Prefers staying in her underwear all day long
Loves make-up, candy, playing with big brother, dressing up, singing and projects
Has the cutest little voice that includes switching b's for v's, ch's for t's, w's for l's and did you know today is Balemtime's day
Wrote a song called "What's Your Name" - it is an interactive song

Evan (aka bud)
Seven years old
Smart as a whip
Loves video games, playing outside, riding his bike (for miles), school and a million other things
Also prefers to be in underwear only
Is growing up too fast (i.e. used the phrase "as well" the other day)
Would eat noodles with just butter ("no sauce") for every meal
Writes poetry and just began a journal
Future is wide open for this kid

This is just a glimpse of the miracle that is my children. Only a creative and loving heavenly father could have created such wonder. As I think about them and their uniqueness I feel as if God is saying directly to me, "Happy Valentine's Day, Sarah!" What a gift of love each day is knowing them and being known as "mom."


Natalie said...

Love this post! These are awesome snapshots of your awesome kids!!

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed this. thanks for introducing your kids to me. i hope to meet them for real someday.

you are very blessed. so are your kids.

danielle said...

this was great. thanks for sharing this with all of us!

Landry, Renée, and Baby Girl!!! said...

I only met your darlings once, but I could tell right away that they were FABULOUS children.

You're so blessed. And a GREAT mom.